About us
We are dedicated to helping the fight against the rising issue of knife crime in the UK by raising awareness of the dangers of both carrying and using a knife.
Using our own real life experience, we educate young people on the immeasurable impact knife crime has on the victim’s family and friends, and the wider communities.

Our vision
Through education, awareness and community engagement, we aim to break the cycle of knife crime and create a safer UK where young people are empowered with the knowledge, skills and support to make positive life choices.
What we do
We Educate
Through a series of presentations, we share Charlie’s story and the impact his death has had on his family and friends and the wider community. Using our experiences we show young people how decisions and choices can have severe consequences and ruin lives.
In time, we want to be able to deliver workshops and 1 to 1 mentoring to empower young people to make the right choices and decisions in life to help keep themselves and others safe. These workshops have proved a valuable resource for other knife
crime related charities and groups.
We Support
No parent should suffer the loss of a child. The pain of losing a child to crime is like no other. Charlie’s family know this pain. His family live this pain every second of every day. Working alongside professional bodies we are best placed to understand the complex needs of family and friends who find themselves victims of knife crime.
As Charlie’s Promise grows, it is our hope to be able to provide them with the absolute fullest support possible – emotional, practical and financial to help them navigate their way through their grief and inevitable trauma.
We campaign to influence change
Talking is our best tool, we want to talk to people of influence, to help increase the profile of the charity and help change policy and practice to ensure that knife crime is on the national curriculum, professionals working in the sector collaborate to support those affected by the murder of a loved one through knife crime and the general public are aware of the impact of knife crime.